May 2023: New Features & Updates – Quant Changelog
Quant Changelog for May 2023: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.

Quant Changelog for May 2023: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
Quant Changelog for April 2023: Check out our latest features and updates for the Quant platform, integrations, documentation, and blogs.
Quant Search provides an easy way to add faceted Algolia search to your static websites. This step-by-step guide shows you how to add Quant Search to a static version of your Drupal 9 site for the best of static and search.
Quant Search provides an easy way to add faceted Algolia search to your static websites. This step-by-step guide shows you how to add Quant Search to a static version of your Drupal 7 site for the best of static and search.
You can make your Drupal website static! QuantCDN’s Drupal module is available for Drupal 7, Drupal 8 & Drupal 9 and allows you to fast-track your move to the Static Web using our seamless integrations.
Quant Search provides an easy way to add faceted Algolia search to your static websites. This step-by-step guide shows you how to add Quant Search to a static version of your site for the best of static and search.
Check out our new Drupal 9 Umami demo showing a static version of a Drupal Umami site hosted on Quant!
For better security, performance, and hosting costs, learn how to create a static version of your Drupal 8 or Drupal 9 site using the QuantCDN module in this step-by-step guide.
For better security, performance, and hosting costs, learn how to create a static version of your Drupal 7 site using the QuantCDN module in this step-by-step guide.
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