Prepare for disaster recovery at Stanford Webcamp 2024
Join our team at Stanford Webcamp 2024! We'll discuss website failover and disaster recovery strategies including static failover.

Join our team at Stanford Webcamp 2024! We'll discuss website failover and disaster recovery strategies including static failover.
A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a cyberattack aimed to disrupt traffic on a network, service or server by overwhelming it with malicious traffic. Let's understand the types of DDoS attacks and how you can protect your websites and services against these common cyberthreats.
We recently added more feature updates to Page Rules. Let’s take a quick look at all the flexible rule options in the dashboard.
One small but mighty feature we recently added to the Dashboard is self-serve cache purging. It’s now easy to clear the cache for a particular page, for a subset of your site, or for everything!
A CDN, or Content Delivery Network, helps speed up websites by bringing their web content closer to the locations of the website users.
QuantCDN is live, providing an all-in-one static export and hosting solution to Drupal, WordPress, and popular static site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, VuePress, Hexo, Gatsby, MkDocs, Docusaurus, Pelican, and more.
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