Back To The Static
In the beginning, the web was static. Join Quant as we journey back to the days of Netscape Navigator and dial up modems and rediscover the pros of serving static websites instead of complex web serving architectures.

QuantCDN is live, providing an all-in-one static export and hosting solution to Drupal, WordPress, and popular static site generators like Jekyll, Hugo, VuePress, Hexo, Gatsby, MkDocs, Docusaurus, Pelican, and more.
After a long time conceptualizing, developing, testing, and confirming our assumptions with some of the biggest sites on the web, we are ready for action.
We are huge advocates of the static web, and all it represents. Serving efficiency, speed, security, simplicity. QuantCDN was born from a desire to make things even better. By further lowering the barrier and providing turnkey solutions, we put the static web in reach of even more people. By providing rich APIs, we continue to allow developers to continue to do what they do best.
QuantCDN is a modern, global edge CDN backed by reliable and proven cloud-agnostic infrastructure. Read more about the features of the Quant static edge platform.
This blog will serve as a central place to share release notes, upcoming features, and musings on the static web movement. Stay tuned!
In the beginning, the web was static. Join Quant as we journey back to the days of Netscape Navigator and dial up modems and rediscover the pros of serving static websites instead of complex web serving architectures.
QuantCDN launches ApexWise; a free service to manage apex and vanity domain redirection with ease. The easiest way to manage apex / bare / root / domain redirection. Free for 3 domains.
The latest release of the Quant Edge includes support for advanced traffic routing based on a user's location. This allows great flexibility; for example, serve static to certain countries while serving as a traditional CDN to others, block access to Drupal and WordPress logins, and much more.
Complete trial with CDN, WAF, Crawler, static integration and support.
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